The early childhood neighborhood of our current commander-in-chief is not a reflection of his intolerant, nationalist agenda but yet another “GREAT” example of the multi-cultural housing mix that makes Queens so rich. Some of the houses of Jamaica Estates do possess a “stately” quality but most are still more in the “quirky” vein, playing freely with historical styles and negotiating the hilly terrain to accommodate garages at grade and grand staircases to the front door. The city grid is almost entirely absent except in a small northeastern section bordering Cunningham Park. The norm is single-family homes on large lots and winding streets. There are a few multi-family buildings—smaller than many millennial mansions of the neighborhood—close to Hillside Avenue, at the southern border. Jamaica Estates is bounded to the north by Union Turnpike, to the west, by Utopia Parkway and Homelawn Street, and to the east by 188th Street.

Jamaica Estates